Introduction by Steven Mintz
Enslavement The Slave Trade's Significance The Atlantic Slave Trade Toward Slavery The Experience of Liberation The Aftermath of Slavery
The Origins and Nature of New World Slavery
The Impact of the Slave Trade on West and Central Africa Slavery in Historical Perspective Defining Slavery Slavery in the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Worlds The Newness of New World Slavery Justifications of Slavery Slavery in Africa Why Africa? Enslavement The Middle Passage The Origins of New World Slavery Slavery in Colonial North America Slavery’s Evolution The American Revolution and Slavery Antebellum Slavery What was Life Like Under Slavery Slave Labor Slave Family Life Slave Culture American Slavery in Comparative Perspective Slave Resistance and Revolts The Economics of Slavery Abolition
Introduction The Rise of Antislavery Thoughts Was the Revolution a missed opportunity to end slavery? The Impact of the Revolution on Slavery The Decline of Antislavery Sentiment in the South Colonization A Dead-End on Slavery Immediate Abolition Anti-Abolitionist Violence Who Were the Abolitionists? Division in the Antislavery Movement Black Abolitionists The Underground Railroad Abolitionists and Violence