Jacksonian Democracy
Rise of Democratic Politics Emergence of a New Party System The Presidency of John Quincy Adams The Presidency of Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Nullification The Celebrated Bank War The Whigs
The Roots of American Economic Growth
The Roots of American Economic Growth The Growth of the American Economy Accelerating Transportation Speeding Communications Transforming American Law Resistance to Technological Innovation Early Industrialization The Growth of Cities The Eve of the Industrial Revolution The Transformation of the Rural Countryside The Disruption of the Artisan System of Labor The Introduction of the Factory System Labor Protests The Movement for a Ten-Hour Day The Laboring Poor Immigration Begins Social Mobility in the North
Religion in the Early Republic
Introduction Religious Liberalism Simple Truth in the Open Air Evangelical Revivalism Enslaved African Americans and Religious Revivalism Religious Ferment The Mormons American Catholics American Jews African American Churches Religious Freedom and the Founders Religion and the U.S. Constitution
Pre-Civil War Reform
Introduction Moral Reform Social Reform and the Problem of Crime in a Free Society The Struggle for Public Schools Assisting the Disabled Radical Reform and Antislavery Antislavery Timeline Women's Rights Utopian Socialism
Pre-Civil War American Culture
Introduction Creating a Distinctly American Culture American Transcendentalism The American Renaissance American Ethnic Literature The Artist in American Society The Birth of American Popular Culture
Westward Expansion
Zorro: Ficton and Fact Spanish America Impact of the Mexican Revolution The Donner Party Opening the West Pathfinders Mountain Men Trailblazing Pioneers "Go West … and grow up with the country" Life on the Trail Manifest Destiny The Texas Revolution The Texas Question in American Politics The U.S.-Canadian Border The Pacific Northwest The Mexican War The Face of Battle War Fever and Antiwar Protests Peace The War's Significance The Political Crisis of the 1840s The Gold Rush Conclusion
The Pre-Civil War South
Introduction The Old South: Images and Realities The South's Economy Southern Nationalism Southern Radicalism
The Impending Crisis
The Slave Power Conspiracy The Crisis of 1850 Slavery in a Capitalist World The Compromise of 1850 The Fugitive Slave Law The Breakdown of the Party System The Kansas-Nebraska Act The Revival of the Slavery Issue "Bleeding Kansas" and "Bleeding Sumner" The Election of 1856 The Dred Scott Decision The Gathering Storm The Lincoln-Douglas Debates Harper's Ferry Conclusion