Digital History>eXplorations>Japanese American Internment>The Decision to Intern>Meeting of the California House of Representatives Delegation

Meeting of the California House of Representatives Delegation
January 30, 1942

A recommendation to the President that the War Department be given immediate and complete control over all alien enemies as well as United States citizens holding dual citizenship in any enemy country, with full authority and power to require and direct the cooperation and assistance of all other agencies of the government in exercising such control and effectuating evacuation, resettlement, and internment.

A recommendation to the War Department and other interested agencies that the following program be initiated at once:

1. A designation by the War Department of critical areas throughout the country and territorial possessions.

2. Immediate evacuation of all such critical areas of all enemy aliens and their families, including children under 21 whether aliens or not.

3. Temporary internment of evacuated aliens and families in available CCC camps pending completion of long range resettlement or internment program.

4. Opportunity and federal assistance to dual citizens who live in critical areas for voluntary resettlement and evacuation as a patriotic contribution.

5. Federal assistance to all uninterned alien enemies and dual citizens whose means of livelihood are affected either by execution of the program outlined above or by unemployment brought about by other factors.

6. The development and consummation as soon as possible of a program of complete evacuation and resettlement or internment covering all alien enemies and dual citizens wherever located.

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