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James Thomson Callender

He was the new republic's most notorious scandalmonger. During the 1790s, James Thomson Callender published vicious attacks on George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and other leading poli ... read this biography

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Benjamin Franklin

His is one of the most remarkable success stories in American history. The 18th child of a Boston candle maker and soap maker, his schooling ended at ten. At 12 he became an apprentice to his brother ... read this biography

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Alexander Hamilton

Born in the West Indies, Hamilton never developed the intense loyalty to a state that was common among Americans of the time. He understood banking and finance as none of the other founders did. Altho ... read this biography

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Thomas Jefferson

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy hosted a White House dinner for America's Nobel Laureates. He told the assemblage that this was "probably the greatest concentration of talent and genius in thi ... read this biography

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James Madison

Although one of the Library of Congress' building was recently named after him, there is no memorial to James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," in our nation's capital. Yet no deleg ... read this biography

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Robert Morris

A wealthy Philadelphia merchant, he was superintendent of finance in the Confederation Congress. He persuaded the Confederation Congress to charter a Bank of the North America, to provide a secure sou ... read this biography

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