Digital History>Voices>Social History>Women on the Farm
on the Farm
Independent, LVIII (Mary. 9, 1905), 549-54
to this article
Shortly after my graduation from a "freshwater" college
for women, five years ago, I found myself in the following circumstances:
Through changes in family affairs I was left with myself and an
invalid sister to support My assets were as follows: A farm of
two hundred acres, with an average amount of stock and farming
tools, and a farmhouse that had been enlarged and remodeled and
used for the past few years as a summer boarding house. This property
was situated in southern Massachusetts, two miles from a village,
and was genuine, simon-pure country. The farm was adorned with
a $5000 mortgage, bearing 5 per cent interest; the whole plant
under a forced sale would not have realized more than $10,000,
which would have supplied a possible $250 a year income for the
support of two persons. So much for the farm situation.
I had offered
me an assistant teacher's position at my Alma Mater with a $600
salary, but this made no provision for my sister. Also I had a
great prejudice against teaching for women, having seen numerous
nervous wrecks after five years at this work.
seemed unavailable for the moment, from lack of inclination on
my part, or on that of any one else, for that matter, so this
was dismissed.
A possible
position, as bookkeeper or in any of the allied occupations would
have entailed a course at a business college, and I had only a
few hundred dollars as capital.
all things, I decided on the farm. So, with many misgivings, I
began active operation there March 1 st, 1900. The place had been
in charge of the owner of the adjoining property for a year. He
had worked it on the share arrangement and the house had been
closed. My first act was to hire as foreman an Irishman, thirty
years old, who, with his family, was installed in a small cottage
on the place. His wages are $30 a month, rent free, and he takes
his meals at the house. He hired his own assistants, two young
men of the same nationality. These men get $23 a month and their
board. They have proved honest and trustworthy servants. I have
never had to change them. I go on the principle that a little
nagging goes a long way, and my experience with farm help proves
it a good one.
At the beginning
of my enterprise there was a herd of twenty grade cows on the
farm, and the milk was sold to a man who peddled it in a manufacturing
town five miles away. He called for the milk once a day and paid
3 cents per quart for it. This arrangement was continued for six
months, when a sanitarium being opened in the village, where fifty
patients were cared for, I secured the contract to supply this
institution with milk at 5'/o cents a quart, the milk to be delivered
twice a day. The sanitarium was two miles from the farm. This
contract is still in force, the sanitarium has grown until it
now has a hundred patients, and the milk bills for the past year
foot $2,558.04. Gradually I have worked up a retail milk trade
along the way to the sanitarium and in this way sell about thirty
quarts of milk a day at 6 cents a quart. One man regularly delivers
the milk, keeping account of it on a milk sheet, which he hands
in to me the first of every month and from which I make the bills.
The milkman also has entire care of his cans and wagon.
I have put
up two of the Williams Company's silos, one eighteen feet and
one sixteen feet in diameter. The ensilage gives excellent satisfaction,
bringing the cows through the winter in good condition This ensilage
food is balanced with a ration of hay, wheat midlings and gluten
or cotton seed meal. This winter the herd numbers thirty cows.
To return
to the beginning of my work: I decided to take boarders, since
the house was arranged for that purpose and much too large for
ordinary use with its accommodations for twenty guests. I first
hired a Nova Scotia woman as cook and her daughter as general
assistant at $18 and $12 a month. With their help I put the house
in order, papering ten rooms myself. The place was entirely furnished,
and I made only some minor repairs that spring. In filling my
house the first year a great deal of help was received from persons
engaged in the same business in the village already mentioned,
which is quite a summer resort They were kind enough to turn their
overflow in my direction, and since getting fairly established
my patrons have done my advertising. People come into the country
nowadays earlier than they used to and stay later. The house is
usually well filled from the middle of May until late in October.
I charge from $9 to $12 a week for board, the average price being
about $10. I have always done everything possible to encourage
people to bring children here. The farm life is just the thing
for them and, of course, my place entirely lacks the "resort"
attractions which appeal to young people. Special attention has
always been paid to the table to make the fare, tho simple, abundant
and the best of its kind The foreman is an excellent gardener
and I am able to serve my guests with fresh vegetables of all
kinds, raising also quantities of delicious strawberries, raspberries
and currants. People are very appreciative of these things. Milk
and cream are had in plenty from the farm herd No butter is made
on the place, but is furnished by a nearby dairyman. The farm
is fortunate in being supplied by a unfailing spring of pure water,
which runs to the house of its own power and in quantities sufficient
for all uses.
is done in the usual country system of carts driving about and
the service is good; groceries are bought chiefly at a New York
wholesale house.
I make it
a practice to be on the place all the morning. In summer I am
up and dressed by half past six. By this time the early breakfast
for the men and maids has been served and eaten, and I go out
with the foreman to plan the work for the day, leaving him to
give the orders to his assistants. I look over the barn and stable
often to see that all the animals look well and contented Six
horses are kept to do the farm work and to rent to the guests
in the house for driving. Some of these horses are excellent roadsters,
and all help cheerfully about the farm work. They are well fed
and nothing unreasonable is asked of them, kindness to all the
animals being one of the first rules of the place.
But I am staying
too long out of doors; even if the lovely summer morning is tempting
I must go in and superintend the eight o'clock breakfast for my
guests. When this is over the other meals for the day are planned;
a regular weekly bill of fare is never used Having acquired, by
inheritance and study, considerable knack as a cook, I always
prepare certain dishes myself, such as desserts, salads and made
meat dishes. Through the summer two extra women servants are hired
in addition to the two employed the year around I find no trouble
in keeping busy about the house until the one o'clock dinner.
In the afternoon there are often errands to do or a trip to be
made to the town five miles away, where shopping is done. Walking
is a great pleasure and few days in the year pass without my spending
an hour or two in this recreation. Most women living in the country
do not walk enough; nothing horrifies them more than a suggestion
of walking three or four miles. I go often in the fields, partly
to avoid constant offers of "a ride" from kindly neighbors,
whose greeting usually is, "What's the matter with all your
horses?" as tho no one would ever walk who could possibly
avoid it. I am devoted to the life of the fields and woods and
am a keen botanist.
I am often
asked what there can be for the three men to do on the farm all
winter. The care of the cows takes much more time during this
season, when they are in the stable, than when they are at pasture
in summer. Then there are thirty cords of wood to be chopped and
worked up, for we use nothing else for fuel, burning great four
foot logs in the furnace, cooking with wood, and supplying the
six open fireplaces with plenty of birch and hickory logs. This
work, considering the short and often stormy days, seems to keep
all busy.
As for boasting
of having grown rich in the past five years, I am afraid that
is impossible. I have kept up the place in good order and made
some permanent repairs at a cost of about $500 a year, supported
my sister and myself, paid all bills and wages promptly, and have
put $500 in a savings bank in case of a wet day. If I were like
the people who write their experiences for the Ladies' Home Journal,
the mortgage on the farm would doubtless have been paid off before
this time. I am willing and, being perfectly well, am able to
work hard, but I do not propose to deny myself the rational pleasures
of life. Our home is made pleasant and comfortable, I buy books
and subscribe to magazines and a New York daily paper. We subscribe
to the library which the village boasts and which for $3 a year
allows subscribers four books a week; also to the Tabard Inn Station
in the town. The telephone connects us with the neighboring farmhouses
and is a great help both in pleasure and business. In winter I
mean to make two or three short trips to New York and an occasional
one to Boston, and to dress well enough so that my friends in
these places need not .`eel ashamed to see me come in. I am so
much in love with country life that I feel out of place in the
city, and after a short stay am thankful to get back to my own
"neck of the woods."
I keep an
accurate cash account of all receipts and disbursements, and in
glancing through this for the past year I see that my receipts
from boarders were $3,157. All the productiveness of the farm
goes to maintain the dairy, for besides the $2,900 received for
milk and cream I see only $150 for potatoes and $120 for pork
sold The expenses are necessarily heavy. The wage item runs over$
100 a month, and other items l notice are $135 for commercial
fertilizer and seed; taxes, $106; interest on mortgage, $250;
oats and feed, $500; fire insurance, $90. These, with daily running
expenses, take the money about as fast as it comes in.
On the whole,
mine seems a sane and pleasant course of life and I have never
regretted the school teaching or other alternatives. It is some
satisfaction to be "the boss," even if the domain is
New England Woman Farmer
to this article:
Pennsylvania Woman
My heart was touched by the tale of wo[e] told by the farmer's
wife "Illinois" in your issue of February 9th, and fearing
your readers might think that a majority or even many of the farmers'
wives suffer like her I will give you my experience as a farmer's
wife for the last 22 years. To begin, I am the daughter of Irish
emigrants, who came to America as poor as English persecution
could make them, and God knows that was poor enough, and settled
in one of the valleys of the ' Alleghenies. I was not there, then,
but came later. I did the usual chores about a farmhouse and went
to the district school till I was fifteen years, when I was sent
to school to a convent, from whence I came able to teach in the
common schools. I taught in several counties, and every place
I taught "Willie went a wooing," but I seemed proof
against Cupid's arrows. Even when the man who is now my husband
wrote me an introductory letter I rejected him. He was almost
a stranger to me and things went along as usual for two years
when I accidentally met "John" again. I could not but
admire "the man" in him and the candor and boldness
with which he practiced his religion. I had read Burns:
Conceal yoursel'
as weel's ye can, Frae critical dissection, But keek through every
other man Wi' sharpen'd sly inspection
I never thought
it well for a young lady to let love get the better of judgment.
My young lady friends said to me, "Give that fellow a wide
berth He is too much of a buckwheat for you," but I listened
to John, and you know when a woman listens what she will do.
John "led
me to the altar," and then led me to his home, over one hundred
miles from "my native heath" When I arrived at his home
I found he possessed a large farm, with many buildings and much
stock, and work enough for a small army; and, like the husband
of "Illinois," "he was a hustler." He had
a strong will, and his word was law about the whole place. My
heart sank. Everything was out of my line. I said to myself,"
What can I do here?" But my husband's kindness came to the
rescue. I found him not miserly or stingy, but right the opposite,
caring not for money only as a means with which to accomplish
his object He laid all his plans before me, asked my opinion in
everything he was about to do, and when I told him I knew nothing
about it, he said it would teach me if he were called "off
to yonder." I found such knowledge very useful at times when
he was away from home. I would sally forth to see that things
were aright. I found he had a good library, was a lover of books,
from which I often had to take him at the midnight hour, and that
when we "locked horns" on a literary subject I was often
vanquished. I had some money from teaching with which I bought
some new things for the house, and gave the balance to my husband
to use in the improvements he was making. He put a wind mill over
a well and pumped the water into a tank high in one of the barns.
From there he piped it into the kitchen, bathroom, stock troughs,
etc. He bought a new piano, as I had been taught to play some.
I had learned to milk when at home, and often on Sunday evenings
when the hired men would "play hookey" I would go to
the barn and help John milk thirty cows, come to the house and
play "Garry Owen" in a manner that would make a Rough
Rider think of Cuba When I ask John for money he doesn't lean
back in his chair and say, "What did you do with the last
fifty cents I gave you?" but gives me what I say I need,
and never yet asked me what I did with it. I have never asked
for a horse to go any place but it was ready, with a driver if
I wanted one. We keep several horses, and John's motto is, "I
keep the horses well fed and shod, and when we want to go they
must." In all these years I have worked hard, but ever with
a good will, always kept a house girl when we could get one, and
was never asked to do anything I did not wish to do. When we were
two years married a baby boy came to add his mite to the confusion,
and they kept coming occasionally until we had five. We raised
them tenderly; looked after the better part When John hired a
man he always put this in: "If I know of you being profane
or obscene your time is up." As they grew older we sent them
to the common school, thence to a high school and thence to a
university, and altho they are the sons of a "farmer's bond
servant," they have always distinguished themselves on the
forum and gridiron. They were raised away from the allurements
of city life, have no bad habits and have never brought a blush
to my cheek. I know always just where my husband is. He is never
at a" club house" and his wife pining at home. When
he goes to any entertainment he takes his wife along. We don't
believe in the wife raising chickens for pin money. We have no
separate acts. Everything is in common, both in earning and spending.
John thinks or says, at least, that the wife is "the whole
thing" at the home, and so has always treated me as the principal
partner in the business. I have tried to act my part along these
lines and therefore there is no hitch Now if I had the power and
the will to be other than a farmer's wife, where could I better
to Responses
Iowa Mrs. F. A. Nisewanger
It seems to me that you have put us farmer folks in a wrong light
in your last week's issue .... It seems to me "One Farmer's
Wife" is not only unfortunate in her husband, but also in
her place of residence .... having been a farmer's daughter 30
years, a farmer's wife 6 years, and having a varied experience
from residence in Ohio, Colorado and Iowa, the article referred
to reads, for the most part, like 20 years ago.
I did not
suppose there was a farmer's wife in the United States today doing
the family knitting. The most of us have learned that it is not
economy to do this, or to make our husbands' clothes or launder
their "biled" linen.
Some of my
neighbors eat in their kitchens, but I could almost say that every
wife has a cream separator, a patent churn and other laborsaving
devices. Some of them"do not have time" for solid reading,
but most homes (particularly since having R F. D.) have the daily
paper and several good magazines. And, yes, we have some gossips.
Don't you have them in town, too?
We do work
hard and long (but so do our husbands), and I am honestly grateful
for your sympathy. I smiled a trifle bitterly the other day as
I wondered if Mrs. Ashby Macfadyen didn't know that "housekeeping
is genuinely hard work" for thousands of her American sisters,
too. I have never feared that I should rust out. I am busy, busy,
and must be quick and methodical or be swamped But when I am wofully
tired from the dairy work, the pickling, the canning, etc., cannot
you see that it is some compensation to know that my husband and
babies will have pure cream and butter, that my pickles are not
crisp because of the use of alum, that boric acid does not enter
into my chicken salad and boned turkey, and that the latter are
really chicken and turkey? Besides, our hobbies and dream castles
lighten the monotony wonderfully. I have three friends who are
quite proud of their blooded poultry. Must they be condemned as
lacking in ambition and having no craving for the" higher
life" simply because they" made chickens take them to
St Louis last year?"
We are perhaps overworked often and become despondent and nervous,
but do not some city wives go to Palm Beach for rest and some
husbands to Europe for a stomach? If it is a question of bondage,
personally I would rather be a slave to the fresh, sweet soil
and my babies than to a pug dog and a social rule that obliges
me to leave my dress waist at home and to" do" the "high
up handshake" into the wee sma' hours. Pardon me, I do not
wish to be rude. But you are independent and will credit this
to my different bringing up, will you not?
As to this
farmer sister of mine, her story is the most pitifully tragic
thing that has come to my notice for many a day. It has been my
observation that modern martyrs' crowns are usually uncomfortable
and profitless, and if I knew her I should beg her to follow your
plan of campaign to the letter. But you forgot to tell her to
eat breakfast with her family and my husband builds the morning
to Top
Witt, Iowa (Rev.) J. J. Mitchell
You may be interested to know that I was requested to read the
article, "One Farmer's Wife" in the last issue of The
Independent to the Clinton County Farmers' Institute. Probably
250 people listened with marked interest to the reading of the
No public discussion was attempted, but in many private discussions
it was variously estimated from pure fiction to cold facts, and
apparently awakened a good deal of thought.
to Top
Illinois Farmer's Wife
My husband and I read the article on "One Farmer's Wife"
in last week's Independent. We have taken your magazine for over
20 years. We have always loved its pages, and read it with deep
respect and interest The article spoken of was a shock to our
family. I would like to send you a sunnier picture of a farmer's
wife and her life in Illinois than that poor lady has depicted
I do not wish money for it, but I would like to have the Eastern
people know of the handsome homes, the culture and higher life
of farmers 30 miles west of Peoria. We live on a beautiful farm
of 200 acres, worth $150 an acre; have a house in town and 160
acres in Canada. My husband and I have been members many years
of the First Congregational Church of C . I am a member of the
Woman's Club in town, composed of ladies of wide culture and who
have traveled in Europe. My daughter is a student at the Chicago
Musical College and will graduate this year.
I was married
in '76, went to the Centennial on my wedding trip, have one child,
the daughter. Have never made garden or done a washing without
help. Perhaps I have milked a cow two or three times in 28 years.
Have kept a good girl many years and paid $2.50 a week. We take
$30 worth of daily papers and magazines and weeklies. Last summer
we took five dailies. We have a carriage, buggy, sleigh, fur robes,
etc. Nearly all the farmers here have handsome carriage robes
and everything comfortable.
When I was
a young married woman I had all the cares and busy times that
go with farm life, and kept it up for 19 years. When I could not
get help we hired our washing and ironing done out of the house.
Some years I made $90 worth of butter, often sold $60 worth of
chickens, and that was my money. I bought lovely china, nearly
furnished all my house handsomely with that money. When Sabbath
morning came we always went to church in town; attended concerts
that were good in town evenings. My husband is fond of travel,
loves good music dearly, is an inveterate reader and well posted
on the topics of the day. He usually spends three or four hours
a day reading the magazines, besides the reading in the evening.
My husband
has his carriage team of black Morgans and a Jersey cow to look
after and makes his garden, the land being rented out For twenty
years there has been a good tenant house, where one or two men
boarded, taking that much work out of the house. At the present
time we both take life quietly, travel when we wish to, go to
Chicago occasionally to enjoy the music and advantages there for
a few days.
to Top
Michigan Farmer's Wife
As I was reading the piece entitled "The Farmer's Wife"
it came to me that I could write another side of that sister's
life, as I am standing in almost the same position as she is,
if you think it worth printing. I was not born on a farm, but
in a small English village in the south part of old England, and
when I was a mere baby my parents brought me over the seas to
New York State, and there my father lived on a rented farm We
lived thus for eleven years, from one place to another. It was
most of the time too far for us children to go to school, so our
mother taught us to read some at home. When I was twelve years
old father came to Michigan to get a new home for his family.
He bought a new piece of land and then came back for us, and we
moved on to it the next spring.
Oh, there
is so much to write in here between the lines of childhood times
that we had in a new country of woods and wilderness! How happy
we children were! But the work came into our lives as well, and
hard every day work, too, for there was a large family of us;
and the four oldest being girls, we had to take the place of boys
in the work in the new home. Father felled the large trees and
then we would help him split them up into logs, and then we would
take the team to draw them up into large heaps to burn them to
We could not
sell timber as now to clear the land of it so that we could raise
corn and potatoes among the stumps. We girls and mother helped
do all this work. After the land was cleared of the wood there
were the fences to be built around the fields. We laid the rails
as father split them from the logs into fences. Then the land
had to be got ready for crops to be planted, and it then had to
be hoed and cared for, and there was the harvesting of all the
crops and so it went from one year to another, but we did not
get weary of it, for the little word of love was in all we did
Father didn't have any education, but he sent us to school winters.
But I would not have you think that he was a selfish man thus
to keep his wife and daughters at work out all day and then come
into the house, and there help to get work in there done for the
next day. When I was sixteen we had a Sunday school and meetings
started in our school house. We went every Sunday to the school
and meeting. Such you see was my life as a farmer's daughter.
Now I must
pass on to that of a farmer's wife. That came when I was nineteen
years old. My husband was a man of no education at all, and was
brought up not to go to church or Sunday school; to dance was
his pleasure, and to such places he went. But he loved me, and
I did not attend such places; so he gave it up for my sake. We
commenced to go to church when we were married Sometimes he did
not feel like going, but I would ask him if we were not going
to church, in a kind of loving way, and he would get ready to
go. I believe it lies in every woman's power to lead her husband
in right or wrong ways if she will go in the right way to do it
She must love and respect her husband, if she expects him to do
the same for her. There is not man in his right mind who will
not do anything for the loved one.
I am a great
lover of reading. As my husband cannot read in the evening we
would sit and I would read aloud to him, so he could get the good
of it as well as I did In this way he came to like to stay at
home evenings to listen to the readings. He came to like books
as well as I did, in his way, for he did not know how good it
is to have education, which his parents neglected to give him
My work as a farmer's wife has been very much as the sister said
hers has been, only I have eight children to bring up. They may
not have the polish of some children, but I can say, if I am their
mother, that they are a credit to the community they live in and
I am proud of them. And do you think they would respect me if
I did not respect their father? Oh, no, for a child is a close
imitator of his mother in such things. I do not think my husband
is selfish because he wanted me to help him out in the field and
let my work in the house go till his was done. And I did not work
while he ate his meals, for that was one very wrong thing for
the sister to do. Why did she not sit down with him and talk to
him about his work and his business? And then when she wants to
make her wishes known they would know each other better and he
would understand her desires better. We must keep in close touch
with our loved ones, and not get the idea in our heads that we
are better than they, for what is life without love in it? I have
worked hard all my life, but I always find time to eat at table
with my husband and children
My oldest
child is married and keeping her own home now with her little
daughter. The others are at home yet, and we are a happy family.
My husband has been a church member for a long time, and so are
three of my children, and we go to church and Sunday school almost
every Sunday. Oh, there is much to write on this theme, but it
must come to a close, for I can hear some one say "She is
a goody good."
But, dear
sisters, I am no better than any of you are, only for God who
has given this holy love through himself if we accept it for ourselves
and to give to others we meet in this great world.
to Top