Digital History ID 3750
1. The religious revivals that spread across the nation before the Civil War inspired a widespread sense that:
a. the nation was standing close to the millennium, a thousand years of peace and benevolence when sin and war would vanish from the earth b. the nation had to overcome sin or face divine retribution c. Americans had been chosen by God to lead the world toward higher values d. all of the above e. none of the above
2. In 1820,
a. Americans drank more than twice as much alcohol as they do today b. Americans drank the same amount of alcohol they do today c. Americans drank less alcohol than they do today
3. The first state to adopt a law to prohibit the sale and manufacture of alcohol was
a. Maine in 1851 b. South Carolina in 1860 c. Ohio in 1875
4. Most pre-Civil War reformers blamed crime on:
a. human being’s sinful nature b. environment and faulty childrearing c. heredity
5. At the beginning of the 19th century,
a. most towns had tax-supported schools b. most children attended school c. formal schooling was largely limited to those who could afford to pay.
6. The leader in the effort to provide humane care for the mentally ill was
a. Thomas Gallaudet >b. Dorothea Dix c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
7. Abolitionists believed in all but one of the following. Select the EXCEPTION.
a. That racial discrimination meant that slaves would have to be resettled overseas b. That slaves should be freed at once c. That no compensation should be paid to slave owners
8. In the North, the appearance of abolition in the 1830s was greeted with
a. strong support b. apathy c. hostile violence
9. In 1840, the antislavery movement divided over the issue of
a. temperance b. women’s rights c. the use of violence
10. The first African American fugitive slave to publicly speak against slavery was
a. William Lloyd Garrison b. John Brown c. Frederick Douglass
11. The first women’s rights convention in history was held in 1848 in
a. Philadelphia b. Boston c. Seneca Falls, New York