I. Overthrow
the camouflaged colonial regime of the American imperialists and
the dictatorial power of Ngo Dinh Diem, servant of the Americans,
and institute a government of national democratic union.
The present
South Vietnamese regime is a camouflaged colonial regime dominated
by the Yankees, and the South Vietnamese government is a servile
government, implementing faithfully all the policies of the American
imperialists. Therefore, this regime must be overthrown and a
government of national and democratic union put in its place composed
of representatives of all social classes, of all nationalities,
of various political parties, of all religions; patriotic, eminent
citizens must take over for the people the control of economic,
political, social, and cultural interests and thus bring about
independence, democracy, well- being, peace, neutrality, and efforts
toward the peaceful unification of the country.
II. Institute
a largely liberal and democratic regime.
1. Abolish
the present constitution of the dictatorial powers of Ngo Dinh
Diem, servant of the Americans. Elect a new National Assembly
through universal suffrage.
2. Implement
essential democratic liberties: freedom of opinion, of press,
of movement, of trade-unionism; freedom of religion without any
discrimination; and the right of all patriotic organizations of
whatever political tendency to carry on normal activities.
3. Proclaim
a general amnesty for all political prisoners and the dissolution
of concentration camps of all sorts; abolish fascist law 19/59
and all the other antidemocratic laws; authorize the return to
the country of all persons persecuted by the American-Diem regime
who are now refugees abroad.
4. Interdict
all illegal arrests and detentions; prohibit torture; and punish
all the Diem bullies who have not repented and who have committed
crimes against the people.
III. Establish
an independent and sovereign economy, and improve the living conditions
of the people.
1. Suppress
the monopolies imposed by the American imperialists and their
servants; establish an independent and sovereign economy and finances
in accordance with the national interest; confiscate to the profit
of the nation the properties of the American imperialists and
their servants.
2. Support
the national bourgeoisie in the reconstruction and development
of crafts and industry; provide active protection for national
products through the suppression of production taxes and the limitation
or prohibition of imports that the national economy is capable
of producing; reduce custom fees on raw materials and machines.
3. Revitalize
agriculture; modernize production, fishing, and cattle raising;
help the farmers in putting to the plow unused land and in developing
production; protect the crops and guarantee their disposal.
4. Encourage
and reinforce economic relations between the city and country,
the plain and the mountain regions; develop commercial exchanges
with foreign countries, regardless of their political regime,
on the basis of equality and mutual interests.
5. Institute
a just and rational system of taxation; eliminate harassing penalties.
6. Implement
the labor code: prohibition of discharges, of penalties, of ill-treatment
of wage earners; improvement of the living conditions of workers
and civil servants; imposition of wage scales and protective measures
for young apprentices.
7. Organize
social welfare: find work for jobless persons; assume the support
and protection of orphans, old people, invalids; come to the help
of the victims of the Americans and Diemists; organize help for
areas hit by bad crops, fires, or natural calamities.
8. Come to
the help of displaced persons desiring to return to their native
areas and to those who wish to remain permanently in the South;
improve their working and living conditions.
9. Prohibit
expulsions, spoliation, and compulsory concentration of the population;
guarantee job security for the urban and rural working populations.
IV. Reduce
land rent; implement agrarian reform with the aim of providing
land to the tillers.
1. Reduce
land rent; guarantee to the farmers the right to till the soil;
guarantee the property right of accession to fallow lands to those
who have cultivated them; guarantee property rights to those farmers
who have already received land.
2. Dissolve
'prosperity zones' and put an end to recruitment for the camps
that are called 'agricultural development centers.' Allow those
compatriots who already have been forced into 'prosperity zones,
and 'agricultural development centers' to return freely to their
own lands.
3. Confiscate
the land owned by American imperialists and their servants, and
distribute it to poor peasants without any land or with insufficient
land; redistribute the communal lands on a just and rational basis.
4. By negotiation
and on the basis of fair prices, repurchase for distribution to
landless peasant or peasants with insufficient land those surplus
lands that the owners of large estates will be made to relinquish
if their domain exceeds a certain limit, to be determined in accordance
with regional particularities. The farmers who benefit from such
land and distribution will both be compelled to make any payment
or to submit to any other conditions.
V. Develop
a national and democratic culture and education.
1. Combat
all forms of culture and education enslaved to Yankee fashions;
develop a culture and education that is national, progressive,
and at the service of the Fatherland and people.
2. Liquidate
illiteracy; increase the number of schools in the fields of general
education as well as in those of technical and professional education,
in advanced study as well as in other fields; adopt Vietnamese
as the vernacular language; reduce the expenses of education and
exempt from payment students who are without means; resume the
examination system.
3. Promote
science and technology and the national letters and arts; encourage
and support the intellectuals and artists so as to permit them
to develop their talents in the service of national reconstruction.
4. Watch over
public health; develop sports and physical education.
VI. Create
a national army devoted to the defense of the Fatherland and the
1. Establish
a national army devoted to the defense of the Fatherland and the
people; abolish the system of American military advisers.
2. Abolish
the draft system, improve the living conditions of the simple
soldiers and guarantee their political rights; put an end to ill-
treatment of the military; pay particular attention to the dependents
of soldiers without means.
3. Reward
officers and soldiers having participated in the struggle against
the domination by the Americans and their servants; adopt a policy
of clemency toward the former collaborators of the Americans and
Diemists guilty of crimes against the people but who have finally
repented and are ready to serve the people.
4. Abolish
all foreign military bases established on the territory of Viet-Nam.
VII. Guarantee
equality between the various minorities and between the two sexes;
protect the legitimate interest of foreign citizens established
in Viet-Nam and of Vietnamese citizens residing abroad.
1. Implement
the right to autonomy of the national minorities: Found autonomous
zones in the areas with a minority population, those zones to
be an integral part of the Vietnamese nation. Guarantee equality
between the various nationalities: each nationality has the right
to use and develop its language and writing system, to maintain
or to modify freely its mores and customs; abolish the policy
of the Americans and Diemists of racial discrimination and forced
assimilation. Create conditions permitting the national minorities
to reach the general level of progress of the population: development
of their economy and culture; formation of cadres of minority
2. Establish
equality between the two sexes; women shall have equal rights
with men from all viewpoints (political, economic, cultural, social,
3. Protect
the legitimate interest of foreign citizens established in Viet-Nam.
4. Defend
and take care of the interest of Vietnamese citizens residing
VIII. Promote
a foreign policy of peace and neutrality.
1. Cancel
all unequal treaties that infringe upon the sovereignty of the
people and that were concluded with other countries by the servants
of the Americans.
2. Establish
diplomatic relations with all countries, regardless of their political
regime, in accordance with the principles of peaceful coexistence
adopted at the Bandung Conference.
3. Develop
close solidarity with peace-loving nations and neutral countries;
develop free relations with the nations of Southeast Asia, in
particular with Cambodia and Laos.
4. Stay out
of any military bloc; refuse any military alliance with another
5. Accept
economic aid from any country willing to help us without attaching
any conditions to such help.
IX. Re-establish
normal relations between the two zones, and prepare for the peaceful
reunification of the country.
The peaceful
reunification of the country constitutes the dearest desire of
all our compatriots throughout the country. The National Liberation
Front of South Viet-Nam advocates the peaceful reunification by
stages on the basis of negotiations and through the seeking of
ways and means in conformity with the interest of the Vietnamese
While awaiting
this reunification, the governments of the two zones will, on
the basis of negotiations, promise to banish all separatist and
warmongering propaganda and not to use force to settle differences
between the zones. Commercial and cultural exchanges between the
two zones will be implemented the inhabitants of the two zones
will be free to move about throughout the country as their family
and business interests indicate. The freedom of postal exchanges
will be guaranteed.
X. Struggle
against all aggressive war; actively defend universal peace.
1. Struggle
against all aggressive war and against all forms of imperialist
domination; support the national emancipation movements of the
various peoples.
2. Banish
all warmongering propaganda; demand general disarmament and the
prohibition of nuclear weapons; and advocate the utilization of
atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
3. Support
all movements of struggle for peace, democracy, and social progress
throughout the world; contribute actively to the defense of peace
in Southeast Asia and in the world.