Digital History>eXplorations>Lynching>Anti-Lynching Legislation of the 1930s>Bertrand Snell's Letter to Walter White

Bertrand Snell's Letter to Walter White (January 30, 1937)

Source: NAACP Papers, Library of Congress

As far as the attitude of the Republican Party on anti-lynching laws is concerned I would say that we have expressed that several times unanimously. We have voted for every anti-lynching law that has been presented and there is no new policy to be discussed because we are unanimously for the anti-lynching legislation. The reason you do not have that is because the Democratic majority has never allowed that bill to become a law and that is the Party that to the best of my knowledge and belief, at least ninety percent of the colored people in New York City

I think this is a matter that your people should give some careful consideration as to whether you are going to continue to support the party that opposes national legislation for the
general improvement of the colored race.

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