Brown: Hero or Terrorist?> The
Raid>F.B. Sanborn to Thomas Higginson
Sanborn to Thomas Wentworth Higginson, June 4, 1859
Oswald Garrison Villard, John Brown, 1800 1859: A Biography
Fifty Years After (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company,
1910), p. 396.
Brown has set out on his expedition, having got some $800 from
all sources except from Mr. Steams, and from him the balance
of $2000; Mr. Steams being a man who "having put his hand
to the plough turneth not back." B. left Boston for Springfield
and New York on Wednesday morning at 81/2 and Mr. Steams has
prob¬ably gone to N. Y. today to make final arrangements
for him. He means to be on the ground as soon as he can perhaps
so as to be¬gin by the 4th July. He could not say where
he shall be for a few weeks but a letter addressed to him under
cover to his son John Jr. West Andover, Ashtabula Co. Ohio would
reach him. This point is not far from where B. will begin, and
his son will communicate with him. Two of his sons will go with
him. He is desirous of getting someone to go to Canada and collect
recruits for him among the fugitives, with H. Tubman, or alone,
as the case may be, & urged me to go, but my school will
not let me. Last year he engaged some persons & heard of
others, but he does not want to lose time by going there himself
now. I suggested you to him . . . . Now is the time to help
in the movement, if ever, for within the next two months the
experiment will be made.