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Inquiry Questions

Digital History TOPIC ID 34

1. Architecture has a distinctive vocabulary. Find the definition of the following words:

  1. facade
  2. lintel
  3. pediment
  4. portico

2. The language that early Americans used to identify diffferent rooms in a house differ from those we use today. Identify the meaning of the following words:

  1. parlor
  2. chamber
  3. buttery
  4. dairy
  5. garret
  6. cellar
  7. veranda
3. What does the design of the state houses and the new national capitol in Washington, D.C. tell us about the values of the new republic?

4. What does the architecture of nineteenth-century prisons, orphanages, almshouses, and mental hospitals tell us about the values and assumptions of the people who designed them?

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