World War I  
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Images of World War I

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Theodore Roosevelt Cartoon.
Map of the Presidential Election of 1912.
Suffrage parade, New York City, 1912.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, W. Wilson, Josephus Daniels,and William Jennings Bryan in Washington, D. C., 1913.
Gen. Pancho Villa. and others.
Head of suffrage parade, Washington, D.C. 1913.
Suffrage parade in Washington, D.C., 1913.
Cartoon of William Jennings Bryan war news, 1914.
Emma Goldman.
Map of the Presidential Election of 1916.
Headquarters of the American forces in Colonia Dublan, Mexico.
En route with the American Field Headquarters from El Valle to Las Cruces, Mexico.
A triple execution at Juarez, Mexico.
Marines at Santo Domingo.
Suffragists picketing the White House, January 1917.
Wilson declaring war on Germany, 1917.
Navy Recruiting Poster, 1917.
Women suffragists picketing in front of the White house.
Wilson at Versailles.
Suffragette war volunteers.
Suffragette banner.
Vladivostok, Russia, 1918.
Black troops in France, ca. 1918.
Hazel Carter donned an Army uniform.
Capt. Edward Rickenbacker.
Liberty Loan Poster.
Women workers in ordnance shops.
Munitions factory, 1918.
Gas masks for man and horse.
Marine receiving first aid.
Destruction in Belgium, 1918.
Wilson reading Armistice to Congress.
National Anti-Suffrage Association.
Florence F. Noyes as "Liberty" in suffrage pageant.
General John Pershing.
Soldiers welcomed home, 1919.
George; Orlando; Clemenceau; and Wilson at the Peace Conference.
Jeannette Rankin.

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