Postwar Era  
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Cold War Quiz

1.  Which of the following did NOT contribute to the coming of the Cold War?

a.  Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin’s refusal to allow free elections in Poland
b.  The establishment of Communist governments in Eastern Europe
c.  Soviet economic and military support for a Communist insurgency in Greece  

2.  The Containment Policy sought to prevent

a.  the Soviet Union from acquiring weapons of mass destruction
b.  Soviet expansion
c.  the Soviet Union from acquiring a warm water port

3.  Under the Truman Doctrine, the United States committed itself to

a. defending Western Europe from a Soviet invasion
b.  helping free nations resist internal subversion and external aggression
c.  providing military assistance to American allies in Latin America

4.  The Korean War began when

a.  The army of Communist China invaded the Korean peninsula
b.  South Korean forces invaded the North
c.  North Korean forces invaded the South

5.  Senator Joseph McCarthy gained national attention when he

a.  exposed the power of organized crime
b.  charged that there were Communists in high positions in the U.S. State Department
c.  accused Julius and Ethel Rosenberg of passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union
d.  claimed that Alger Hiss had been a Communist Party member while working for the U.S. government

6.  Upon leaving office, President Eisenhower warned Americans about

a.  the dangerous influence of the military-industrial complex
b.  the dangers of entangling alliances with foreign countries
c.  the threat posed by Communist Cuba

  1. c - Soviet economic and military support for a Communist insurgency in Greece  
  2. b – Soviet expansion
  3. b - helping free nations resist internal subversion and external aggression
  4. c – North Korean forces invaded the South
  5. b – charged that there were Communists in high positions in the U.S. State Department
  6. a – the dangerous influence of the military[industrial complex

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