America at the End of the Twentieth Century
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An Annotated List of the Most Valuable Online Resources on recent American History

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There are literally thousands of Internet sites dealing with American history since 1970 of widely varying quality and reliability.



  • The Gulf War
    A companion site to the PBS documentary, the site contains oral histories, sound files, maps, a chronology, interviews with decision-maker, and a section on weapons and technology.
  • Men of the Year: Reagan, Andropov, and Gorbachev
    This site reproduces three Time Magazine “Man of the Year” articles: a 1980 article discussing Ronald Reagan's appeal on the eve of his presidency; a 1983 article on Reagan and the new Soviet leader Yuri Andropov; and a 1987 article examining Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (economic liberalization).
  • The Impeachment Trial
    The PBS NewsHour site contains a sources relating to the impeachment and acquittal of President Bill Clinton, supplemented with guide to impeachment and a history of impeachment.

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