The 1920s
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An Annotated List of the Most Valuable Online Resources on the 1920s

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Chicago: Destination for the Great Migration
This Library of Congress site uses documents and images from its collections to describe the Great Migration from the South to Chicago.

Inherit the Wind
A hypertext analysis of the play Inherit the Wind that provides background information on the 1925 Scopes “Monkey” Trial.

The 1920s
The site contains images, timelines for each year of the decade, brief descriptions of people and trends.

Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929
This site documents the nation's transition to a mass consumer economy and the role of government in this transition.

The Survey Graphic, Harlem Number, March 1925
The March 1925 edition of Survey Graphic magazine helped bring the work of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance to national attention. 

Temperance and Prohibition
A project developed at Ohio State University, it explores why the U.S. adopted prohibition; traces the growth of the brewing industry; examines the Woman’s Crusade of 1873 and 1874; analyzes the development of the Anti-Saloon League; and contains cartoons from the Prohibition party, images of old-time saloons, and arguments for and against prohibition.

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