James Buchanan
A future Democratic president from Pennsylvania, James Buchanan (1791-1868), expresses reservations about the annexation of Texas but also voices fear about the possibility that Texas would fall under Britain's sway.
It is highly probable that the question for he admission of Texas into the Union may force itself or rather be forced upon the consideration of congress before the close of the present session. In my judgment it would be far better for this country that Texas should remain an independent State if this were possible. But suppose that this cannot be, & that it should be satisfactorily established, that we must either admit it or see it pass under the dominion of Great Britain; --what ought then to be done? This is the question & a very grave question it is. It may be a choice of evils; but which is the least? I should be glad, if, at your leisure, you would favor me with your views upon this subject, as well as inform me, what, in your opinion, would be the wishes of the people of Western Pennsylvania. Can any evils which might result from its admission be equal to those which would most probably result from having Great Britain our neighbour along our Southwestern frontier?