Digital History
Answers to the Quiz on Westward Expansion

Digital History ID 3753
1. Settlement of the Great Plains was mainly delayed by

c. The myth that it was the Great American Desert

2. The major force that encouraged Americans to move to Texas, California, and the Pacific Northwest was

c. land hunger

3. When Americans moved into Texas and the Southwest, the region was

b. claimed by Spain and later by Mexico

4. The idea that the United States was ordained by God to spread across the continent is called

c. manifest destiny

5. When American moved to Texas in the early and mid-1820s, the Mexican government required them to:

c. free their slaves

6. The United States acquired the Pacific Northwest as a result of

c. negotiations with Britain

7. The person who led the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake was

b. Brigham Young

8. The Mormons were persecuted because they threatened all but one of the following values. Select the EXCEPTION.

b. Separation of church and state

9. The Mexican War

d. all of the above

10. All but one of the following were results of the Mexican War. Select the EXCEPTION.

d. all of the above

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