Answers to the Quiz on the Spanish American War

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Digital History ID 3765
1. In what year did the war take place?

b. 1898

2. How long did the war last?

a. four months

3. Which of the following did NOT cause the war?

c. Spanish efforts to provoke a war between the U.S. and Mexico

4. Which was NOT an underlying cause of the war?

c. U.S. desire for the Philippines, a Spanish possession

5. Which famous newspaper editor used his paper to encourage war against Spain?

b. William Randolph Hearst When publisher William Randolph Hearst sent artist Frederic Remington to Havana in March 1898 to depict the impending war, Remington reported that all seemed peaceful and quiet. Cabled Hearst: "You furnish the pictures, and I'll furnish the war." Hearst later denied sending such a message.

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