Digital History>eXplorations>The Vietnam War as History

The Vietnam War as History MyLai MassacreWhere is Vietnam? Lessons of Vietnam Teacher Resources Public Opinion and the War Negotiated Settlement Music of the Vietnam Era The Decision To Escalate

The Antiwar Movement

Jane Fonda being interviewed during a 1972 trip to Vietnam. She posed for photographs on the seat of an anti-aircraft cannon and made radio broadcasts urging U.S. airmen to stop bombing North Vietnam.
Kerry testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 22, 1971.
Jane Fonda being interviewed during a 1972 trip to Vietnam.
She posed for photographs on the seat of an anti-aircraft cannon and made radio broadcasts urging U.S. airmen to stop bombing North Vietnam.

Kerry testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 22, 1971



1. What arguments do Jane Fonda and John Kerry voice against the Vietnam war?

2. To what extent to the two agree? To what extent do they differ?

3. Do you think their arguments would be effective in persuading large numbers of Americans to oppose the war?

Resources on Jane Fonda & the Vietnam War (External Links):

Resources on John Kerry and a veteran's voice against the war:

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