Digital History>eXplorations>Columbus & the Columbian Exchange>Maps as Windows Into the Past

Activity 2: Historical Maps as Window into the Past

In the Western World, there were no maps as we know them until the Middle Ages. Map making arose to meet concrete needs:

  • To mark off boundaries
  • To survey terrain
  • To identify trade routes.

Exploration 1: Ptolomy's La Cosmographia 1482 Map
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  • Where is the world centered in the 1482 version of Ptolomy's La Cosmographia?
  • What might this tell us about the attitudes of Europeans on the eve of Columbus' voyage?

Exploration 2: Sebastian Munster's 1504 Map
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  • How accurate is Sebastian Munster's 1540 map, the first to show the Western Hemisphere?

Exploration 3: Abraham Ortelius's 1570 Map,6.JPG
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  • Compare Abraham Ortelius's 1570 map to Munster's.

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