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An evacuee recalls his childhood experiences in the Manzanar Relocation Center in California.

In some ways, I suppose, my life was not too different from a lot of kids in America between the years 1942 and 1945.1 spent a good part of my time playing with my brothers and friends, learned to shoot marbles, watched sandlot baseball and envied the older kids who wore Boy Scout uniforms. We shared with the rest of America the same movies, screen heroes and listened to the same heart rending songs of the forties. We imported much of America into the camps because, after all, we were Americans. Through imitation of my brothers, who attended grade school within the camp, I learned the salute to the flag by the time I was five years old. I was learning, as best as one could learn in Manzanar, what it meant to live in America. But, I was also learning the sometimes bitter price one has to pay for it.

Quoted in Personal Justice Denied, 12

This site was updated on 25-Apr-24.