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A Seventeen Year Old Girl

Chicago. Ill.
April 12, 1934

Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt

Dear Madam I am writing Asking you for help. I am a colored girl. I am 17 years and 10 mo. old. I go the Wendell Phillis High School Branch. I am in my first year. I am behind but I would like to finish if it is possible.

I have a brother and two small cousins their mothers are dead. We all live with our grandmother but she is 66 years old.

We are on reflief. My brother is married he has been married two years I have two cousins their mothers are dead. We are all living with our grandmother two. The girl is 12 yrs and m mo and the boy is m years m months they both are in 6/8. I am very fat. I weigh 225 lbs. I wont to ask you to send me a winter coat no. 24 a pair of stocking out of size a dress no. 52 a pair of shoes 9EEE. I have one pair of shoes for every day and Sunday two. The small kids can do without. But I come in contack with so many school girls and boys of my own age. They all look so nice and I want to look nice too of course I dont wont luxury I would not ask you for that of course. I need underclothes too .... If I made many mistake please excuse me. I am so nervous I hope you will get this letter I will be so anxious to hear from you so please ans this letter. I am think you in return I will be patiently waiting.

Yours Truly,


Please ans soon.

This site was updated on 23-Apr-24.