Teacher Resources

Lesson Plans

  • The Civil War Through a Child's Eyes, from the Library of Congress focuses on the use of historical fiction and primary sources to expand students' perceptions of the Civil War era. Literature and photographic images reflect, communicate, and influence human perspectives of historical events. Specifically, the unit helps students to view the Civil War era through a child’s eye, rather than from an adult perspective.
    http://memory.loc.gov/learn/lessons/99/civilwar/overview.html Link to eXplorations Menu Link to Children and the Civil War Menu Link to Child Soldiers Link to Southern Homefront Link to Northern Homefront Link to Near the Battlefront Link to Conditions in Contraband Camps Link to Family Reunions Link to Lincoln's Assassination Link to the War's Legacy

Ken Burn's The War


  • The American Civil War Homepage
    A collection of links to files about the Civil War is maintained by the University of Tennessee.
  • The United States Civil War Center
    This site maintained by Louisiana State University indexes more than 2700 links about the Civil War.
  • The American Civil War
    A comprehensive list of Civil War links maintained by Dakota State University.
  • Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System
    A database of resources about the Civil War organized by the National Park Service.
  • National Park Service Civil War Web Site
    The approaching Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War (2011-2015) offers the current generation of Americans a most important opportunity to know, discuss, and commemorate this country's greatest national crisis, while at the same time exploring its enduring relevance in the 21st century.
  • Valley of the Shadow
    Project designed by the University of Virginia that explores the histories of two communities living along the Mason-Dixon Line.

Analysis Guides


  • Murphy, Jim. The Boys' War: Conferderate and Union Soldiers Talk about the Civil War. New York: Clarion Books, 1990.
  • Emmy E. Werner, Reluctant Witnesses

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