Digital History>eXplorations>John Brown: Hero or Terrorist?> John Brown and the Secret Six>John Brown to John Borwn, Jr.

John Brown to John Brown, Jr., April 8, 1858

Source: Sanford, John Brown, 452

I came on here direct with J. W. Loguen the day after you left Rochester. I am succeeding, to all appearance, beyond my expectations. Harriet Tubman hooked on his whole team at once. He (Harriet) is the most of a man, naturally, that I ever met with. There is the most abundant material, and of the right quality, in this quarter, beyond all doubt. Do not forget to write Mr. Case (near Rochester) at once about hunting up every person and family of the reliable kind about, at, or near Bedford, Chambersburg, Gettysburg, and Carlisle, in Pennsylvania, and also Hagerstown and vicinity, Maryland, and Harper's Ferry, Va. The names and residences of all, I want to have sent me at Lindenville.

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